Bitcoin mining has faced criticism for its energy-intensive nature, but innovative solutions are emerging to make this process more environmentally friendly. One such solution involves converting methane gas from animal waste into energy for mining Bitcoin. Delving into the potential advantages and consequences of this strategy, the article underscores its role in fostering a more environmentally friendly and sustainable trajectory for cryptocurrency. Additionally, it features CHAINERGY, a United Kingdom-based company actively employing this method for Bitcoin mining.

The Methane Challenge in Agriculture

Animal agriculture is a significant source of methane emissions, contributing to climate change. Livestock manure, if left untreated, releases methane during decomposition. By capturing and converting this methane into energy, we are not only addressing environmental concerns but also tapping into a valuable resource that can power energy-intensive processes like Bitcoin mining.

Converting Methane to Energy for Bitcoin Mining

The process involves the installation of anaerobic digestion systems on farms, capturing methane emitted from manure decomposition. This captured methane can then be used to generate electricity, which, in turn, powers the energy-intensive process of Bitcoin mining. By integrating these technologies, we create a closed-loop system that not only reduces methane emissions but also maximizes the utility of this renewable resource.

Environmental Benefits

Converting methane from animal waste to mine Bitcoin represents a proactive approach to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. By preventing the release of methane into the atmosphere, this process directly contributes to the fight against climate change and reduces the environmental impact of agriculture.

The integration of Bitcoin mining with methane capture provides a dual benefit by utilizing a resource that would otherwise go to waste. Instead of allowing methane emissions from animal waste to contribute to global warming, this approach transforms it into a valuable energy source for cutting-edge technology.

Economic Advantages

Bitcoin mining operations can provide an additional revenue stream for farmers, potentially offsetting the costs of implementing methane capture systems. This economic incentive encourages the adoption of sustainable practices in agriculture and promotes the coexistence of traditional farming with modern technological advancements.

By generating on-site energy from methane, farmers can achieve a degree of energy independence. This can lead to reduced dependence on external energy sources, providing resilience against energy price fluctuations and enhancing the overall economic stability of agricultural operations.

Integrating methane capture with Bitcoin mining showcases the potential for innovative and sustainable solutions in the cryptocurrency space. As the industry grapples with environmental concerns, such initiatives can set a precedent for responsible and eco-friendly crypto mining practices.

Green Bitcoin mining not only benefits individual farmers but also engages local communities in sustainable practices. It demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility within the cryptocurrency sector, fostering positive relationships between the industry and the communities where these initiatives are implemented.

How Chainergy are Converting Methane Gas to Energy to mine Bitcoin

Chainergy has rapidly emerged as a leading force in the ever-evolving energy sector since its inception in January 2022, guided by the expertise of James Behan (CEO), Roger Cockram (COO), and Maison Cockram (Head of Business Development). Acknowledging the challenges posed by rising global energy costs, especially in the UK, Chainergy strategically addressed these concerns by embarking on an innovative initiative to harness methane gas from animal waste on a local farm in Yorkshire, England.

This groundbreaking project not only reaffirmed Chainergy's commitment to sustainable energy solutions but also demonstrated a proactive approach to mitigating environmental challenges linked to methane emissions. The outcome was the successful generation of 75 KW of electricity at a cost-effective rate, prompting consideration for utilizing this energy source for Bitcoin mining.

Despite the project's modest scale, Chainergy identified a distinct market niche, gaining access to electricity at a competitive rate, comparable to major North American Bitcoin mining entities. This strategic positioning solidified Chainergy's presence in the energy market, establishing it as a forward-thinking player capable of showcasing their model, globally, and navigating the complexities of the evolving energy landscape.

Chainergy's journey commenced with James and Roger, each boasting over 15 years of experience in waste-to-energy projects and infrastructure development, and their meeting through mutual business mentor Clive Hawes laid the foundation for the company. Maison, a budding entrepreneur, who is also Roger’s son, suggested they explore the opportunity of utilizing GPU rigs for Ethereum mining in 2021, leading to Chainergy's entry into the crypto mining sector. Simultaneously, James was addressing challenges in connecting battery storage and solar projects to the grid, prompting Chainergy's transition into Bitcoin mining.

Despite industry challenges and the nature of the Bitcoin mining sector, Chainergy persevered, exploring stranded and surplus electricity from existing generation assets. This effort resulted in the construction of a modular data center, powered by excess generation from an anaerobic digestion biogas plant in Yorkshire in February 2023.

Chainergy's commitment to sustainability is evident in the meticulous repurposing of a roll-on roll-off welfare chassis for the data center, showcasing their dedication to creating value through innovative and sustainable practices. The company's use of methane gas from animal waste underscores its ability to identify solutions to prevailing challenges, contributing meaningfully to the discourse on energy sustainability.

Global Expansion and Future Plans

As the energy sector continues to evolve, Chainergy stands as a trailblazer, exemplifying how localized efforts can yield impactful results. Looking ahead, Chainergy is poised for expansion, aiming to consolidate energy and digital infrastructure into an optimized global unit by focusing on stranded methane assets. Actively raising capital, Chainergy is pursuing a dual Bitcoin/High-Performance Computing (HPC) strategy, anticipating a future marked by sustainable practices and innovative energy solutions.

The company's utilization of methane gas from animal waste not only underscores its commitment to sustainable practices but also highlights its ability to identify innovative solutions to prevailing challenges. As the world grapples with increasing energy demands and the imperative to reduce environmental impact, Chainergy's venture sets a commendable example of how small-scale initiatives can contribute meaningfully to the broader discourse on energy sustainability.

In essence, Chainergy's journey represents a convergence of environmental responsibility, technological innovation, and strategic market positioning. As the energy sector continues to revolve, Chainergy has demonstrated that localized efforts can yield impactful results, providing a blueprint for sustainable energy practices within the broader industry context.

In early 2024, Maison will be relocating to Abu Dhabi to focus on further opportunities in the Bitcoin mining space.  His younger brother, Blake, aged 13, is also carrying on the family ethos and tradition, as a budding entrepreneur, founding CryptoKicks last year, and selling sneakers in the U.K., even offering discounts of 10% to those who choose to pay in crypto.


Converting methane from animal waste to energy for Bitcoin mining represents a unique and forward-thinking solution that addresses both environmental concerns and the energy-intensive nature of cryptocurrency mining.

By integrating innovative technologies, we can create a symbiotic relationship between agriculture and cryptocurrency, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future for both industries.

Technology’s potential to drive positive change demonstrates that Bitcoin mining can coexist with environmental stewardship, and does not require large scale operations, thus making it accessible all over the world.